Objection Flash Cards For Realtors
Explore The Flash Cards“That’s great, I can appreciate your loyalty and that is a quality that I respect in people … So I’m curious, let me ask you this …
Has there ever been a time when you decided to buy something or do something and because a friend said, hey no problem, when you need help, I can do it and in the end, because you didn’t check around,
you really didn’t get what you wanted … have you ever been there before?” (Yes)
“Well this time is just like that time, and with that in mind, I’m sure you can see the importance of
having me over just to give you a second opinion … that wouldn’t hurt anything, would it?”
“That’s great … let’s start premarketing the home as coming soon while you’re waiting.”
If your modification goes through, you stay put. If for some reason it does not go through, well will have a list of buyers ready to make an offer”
“It’s funny that you say that … Benjamin Franklin said, “if you need something done, ask a
busy person.”
Level Shift: “I can appreciate that and you probably haven’t had a chance to think about the advantage I have over my fellow agents in town.
You see, the more listings I have the more signs I have on the street. The more signs I have on
the street, the more calls I get from buyers … and, of course, most of those buyers don’t buy
the home they call about and many will be interested in your home.
If you were a buyer would you want to talk to an agent who had 2 homes for sale or 50 homes for sale?
“I agree, finding your new home is important and the unfortunate thing is it may take as long as 3 to 5 months for your home to sell. Then it will take another month to get the closing done and by that time, any home that you would have found will likely already be sold. Does that make sense?
Let’s get your home on the market right now and get to work on getting your home sold so you don’t
have to wait any longer than is necessary to get moved into your new home … sound good?”
Alternative: “Terrific! Have you seen a home you want to put a contract on? (No) Great let me go ahead a schedule a time with my buyer agent so they can help you find the perfect home. In the mean
time I can be working on getting your home sold that way when we get a contract on your home we can
put in a contract on your #1 choice-close both homes the same day and … move only once. Won’t that be great?”
You’re right, I don’t sell a lot of homes in your price range and that’s exactly why I’m here tonight … I usually sell homes in lower price ranges and what I find is … after I sell my clients homes, many of them move up to your price range, therefore, it only makes sense … that the next logical step, is for
me to sell your price range as well, considering I already have a relationship with many buyers that will
be interested in your home … does that make sense?”
I completely understand your point of view and it sounds like you haven’t been involved in this kind of
transaction in a while … can I tell you why?
Agents work with buyers because it is easy. You show the house, the agent writes the offer and the agent on the listing side handles the next 30 to 60 days of the legal paperwork trying to get the deal
closed … does that make sense?
If you list it for sale yourself, who will follow up with the 30 to 60 days of legal paperwork … you? If so,
what agent will want to risk the fact that you may not have done it before?
Let me ask you this … if you were an agent, would you rather show homes that were listed with
professional agents that worked to get deals closed?
You’re right, and I think you need to take into account how homes get sold.
You see, if we come out of the gate with your home overpriced, all of the agents that show properties
will instantly write you off as non-motivated sellers…Can I explain what that means from an agent’s
You see, if we come out of the shoot with your home overpriced, all of the agents that show properties
will instantly write you off as a non-motivated seller …
“I agree that making sure the house is up to par is important and you probably didn’t realize how little
effect it will have on securing a buyer …
Let’s get your home listed for sale, get some of the top brokers inside to show the house and get their feedback. The good news is you’ll find out exactly what projects you don’t have to do and the ones you need to do while were in the escrow period.
It sure would be nice to not have to spend a dime to get your home sold…wouldn’t it?
Great, which would be better for you, tonight at six or 7:30?”
“You know, you’re right, there are a lot of desperate agents out there and I’m a little concerned … can
I tell you why?
Do you own anything more valuable than this home? (No)
Could you say that it is your most valuable possession? (Yes)
If an agent is so desperate that they are willing to broadcast the fact that they don’t think they have value as a Realtor, then I’m confused.
Is that the type of person you want sitting across from the negotiating table trying to negotiate you a better price?
I agree that it’s important to be thorough when we are filling out this contract and let me ask you this
Why haven’t you already sold the home to your company, friend or neighbor? (No one has made us an offer)
Your personal marketing hasn’t worked and that’s why you are hiring me … is that right? (That’s right)